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Lawnhub Full Load Pack
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744.94 Inc.
744.94 AUD


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    Brand :Lawnhub

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    The Full Load Pack is for the home lawn fanatic that wants to take their game to the next level. This pack has been designed around a 200m2 lawn but due to pack sizes there be some gear left over. The products in this pack can be used on all lawn varieties.

    The pack comes with the following:

    1 x Acelepryn 10kg - Apply in 1.5kg/100m2 in September and March.

    2 x Trojan 5kg - Apply 2.5kg/100m2 in September (time it with a reno or some warmth) and December (apply in the 2nd week for a cracking Christmas Day lawn).

    1 x Roots N Shoots - Apply 75ml/100m2 in early September and every 6 weeks thereafter.

    1 x Wet 1L - Apply in 200ml/100m2 in October and December

    1 x Threeway 1L - Apply as a foliar application once a month from October to February at a rate of 100ml/100m2.

    1 x Money Shot 1L - Apply 200ml/100m2 a week before when you really want to impress! 

    1 x Premature 5kg 220SGN - Apply 2.5kg/100m2 for specific pre-winter granular application in late March.

    1 x Bow and Arrow 500ml - This bottle will treat 1000m2 - Apply 50ml/100m2 as a broadcast application as required when broadleaf weeds are present.

    1 x Spartan 500ml - This bottle will treat 1600m2 - Apply 30ml/100m2 every six months.

    1 x Astro 120 - Apply once the lawn is growing, with the application rates as per the label - Application Rate

    Lawnhub Full Load Pack Calendar - Spring

    Lawnhub Full Load Pack Calendar - Anytime



    ACELEPRYN Insecticide provides unmatched, season long grub and
    caterpillar control in a single application. It is now available in a convenient
    and flexible granule formulation. 

    ACELEPRYN GR. The efficiency and longevity of performance means your turf spaces are protected for longer and because it is exempt from poison scheduling, PPE requirements for workers are reduced.

    This new no-spray option means ease of use and minimal disruption
    to the community.

    ACELEPRYN GR controls a wide range of insect pests including African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs and several species of caterpillars including Cutworm, Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm.

     Application rate: 1.5kg per 100sqm


    Lawnhub Premature is the first of our 'Limited Seasonal Release' products. It is designed to help your lawn 'last' as the season cools off.

    Apply 2.5kg/100m2 to any variety of lawn and water in well, especially in tight, low cut turfs to ensure the 220sgn prill is pushed past the canopy.

    Premature will ensure your lawn stays green for up to 10 weeks.

    This product is perfect for the home lawn fanatic.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: Do I need to water this in?

    A: Yes. Straight away.


    Q: Is it safe with pets?

    A: Yes. Provided you ensure this product is not spread during windy conditions and it is watered in well straight away.


    Q: When should I use Premature?

    A: In Autumn and early Winter.


    Q: Is this suitable for all turf varieties?

    A: Yes.


    Lawnhub Trojan is a custom blended professional quality granular slow release fertiliser.

    This is exactly the type of product the top golf course superintendents of Australia choose.

    The recommended application is 2.5kg/100m². Trojan will continue to feed your lawn for up to 12 weeks.

    This product is perfect for the home lawn fanatic.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: Do I need to water this in?

    A: Yes. Straight away.


    Q: Is it safe with pets?

    A: Yes. Provided you ensure this product is not spread during windy conditions and it is watered in well straight away.


    Q: Is this suitable for all turf varieties?

    A: Yes.


    It's vital to retain moisture in your soil profile if you want to grow a lush lawn.

    Lawnhub WET is used to improve the retention and distribution of moisture in fine cut turf surfaces.

    Professional turf managers apply products like WET during Spring and Summer to give their lawn the best chance of being perfect.

    • WET's specialty non-ionic surfactant formulation improves moisture retention
    • Lasts up to 3 months
    • Encourages more even growth
    • Exceptional turf safety due to non-burn formulation


    ROOTS N SHOOTS can be used as a soil or foliar applied supplement in a regular nutrition program for turf. Multiple applications may be needed throughout the season especially during periods of stress. The application rate may need to be varied with changes in turf variety and use.

    ROOTS N SHOOTS is a product that contains a powerful concentration of kelp for the promotion of root and shoot development.This highly concentrated liquid BULL KELP combined with slow release nitrogen in a DiMethylene Urea (DMU) form increases leaf adheration and uptake, also decreases leaching from soil. When combined with a standard fertilizer regime, significant plant growth advantages are obtainable.

    Mix 60-100mL of ROOTS N SHOOTS with between 6-10L of water/100m² of actively growing lawn and apply during early morning or late afternoon to reduce evaporation. Do not spray when windy.


    Threeway is a product we developed in conjunction with our good friend Simon Rice. LawnHub has come up with an ideal NPK formulation with the added benefit of trace elements that is perfect for use as a maintenance fertiliser. Threeway looks beyond aesthetics and delivers exactly what the lawn needs to be as healthy as possible.

    There are three great things about Threeway.

    1. It can be applied a foliar fertiliser or a soil drench.

    2. The Nitrogen component is 50% Methylene Urea and is controlled release for up to 8 weeks.

    3. The trace elements are in EDTA chelated form. This is an extremely stable form and optimized for uptake through leaves and roots.

    If you are using this product as a foliar fertiliser, ensure sufficient soil moisture levels and simply mix 200ml with 10L of water and spray on the leaf of the grass. This mix will cover 100m2. If applying as a foliar fertiliser, make sure you delay mowing for at least 24 hours post application.

    If you choose to use as a drench fertiliser, mix 800ml with 20L of water apply to the lawn and water in well.


    Lawnhub MONEY SHOT will make the grass greener on your side of the fence. MONEY SHOT is like a steroid for your lawn. You can apply this 5-7 days before a party or event and your friends will be green with MONEY SHOT.

    MONEY SHOT is a foliar product which means it needs to be applied to the leaf of your lawn. Make sure you don't mow for at least 24 hours after applying.

    The recommended application is 200-400mL per 100m². Add the MONEY SHOT to at least 5L of water and apply directly to the leaf of the lawn. Be careful not to get any MONEY SHOT on paving or cent. Its likely to stain.

    Features and Benefits

    • Effective against all major annual grass weeds in turf during Summer & Winter
    • Season long control of annuals weeds (up to 18 weeks control)
    • Reduce the reliance on costly selective post-emergent herbicides
    • Unscheduled – Suitable for public areas
    • Low odour formulation
    • Reduce future weed set and germination
    • Application compatibility with wetting agents
    • Increase moisture conservation for a newly planted turf stand
    • Minimise nutrient and sunlight competition from annual grasses
    • Economical solution for your main annual weed problems; such as Winter grass, Summer grass, Crab grass & Crowsfoot grass


    Bow & Arrow Herbicide is the standard for broadleaf weed control in the Australian turf industry.

    Bow & Arrow Herbicide provides outstanding control of broadleaf weeds in turf. Broadleaf weeds including;

    • White Clover (Trifolium repens),
    • Plantain (Plantago lanceolata),
    • Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula),
    • Cat’s ear (Hypochoeris radicata),
    • Bindii (Jo-Jo, Onehunga) (Soliva sessilis),
    • Cudweed (Gnaphalium spp.),
    • Creeping oxalis (Oxalis corniculata),


    • High level of efficacy
    • One standard application rate
    • No volatility concerns
    • Superior turf safety (cool and warm season grasses)
    • A mix of active ingredients for improved resistance management
    • No odour
    • Additional surfactants not required

    Bow & Arrow Herbicide for broadleaf weed control in turf is a formulation containing the active ingredients, MCPA as potassium salt, clopyralid as potassium salt and diflufenican. It is used at an application rate of 5 litres per hectare.

    Current broadleaf turf herbicides have a tendency to cause rapid desiccation of weed leaves and shoots. Recovery may then occur from the significant root systems and/or other underground components of the weed. The effect of Bow & Arrow Herbicide is slower than other broadleaf herbicides but the ultimate result is more effective, with no evidence of regrowth.

    This unique three-way mixture provides extended weed control (season-long) in most situations.

    Active Constituents:
    20 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the potassium salt
    300 g/L MCPA present as the potassium salt

    Product & Pack

    • Application Rate is 50mL per 100 square metres
    • 500mL pack treats 1000 square metres in total
    • Be sure to READ and FOLLOW the product label in FULL before using.


    Spartan Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that can be used as an effective tool to help Turf Managers control annual weeds (Summer & Winter).

    Spartan Herbicide selectivity is primarily through soil profile placement. Small-seeded plants take up greater amounts of the herbicide as they germinate in the soil profile zone of herbicide placement. Warm Season grasses can be less prone to root inhibition due to the fact they have a multiple fibrous root system, hence good even coverage and incorporation is required to ensure the weeds cannot recover by establishing roots outside the zone of herbicide activity.

    Application should be prior to germination of the weeds.

    Poison Schedule - Non Scheduled (Unscheduled)

    Features and Benefits

    • Effective against all major annual grass weeds in turf during summer and winter
    • Season-long control of annual weeds
    • Reduces future weed set and germination
    • Reduces the reliance on costly selective post-emergent herbicides
    • Unscheduled (exempt from poison scheduling)
    • Low odour formulation
    • Minimises nutrient and sunlight competition from annual grasses
    • Application compatibility with wetting agents
    • Low odour formulation
    • Economical solution for your main annual weed problems including African Lovegrass, Parramatta Grass, Summer Grass, Crab Grass, Crowsfoot Grass and Winter Grass
    • Flexibility to delay wash-in for a few days if necessary

    ASTRO 120

    Application Rate - Click this link 

    Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator is an efficient and versatile turf management tool that maximizes turf quality, pre-conditions for stress prevention, and optimises resources. For the regulation of leaf and stem growth of grass species and as an aid in turf management, as per the Directions for Use .

    Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator improves turf stand, uniformity and health to provide a smooth, tightly knit cover that is better able to withstand stress. Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator achieves this by increasing the lateral spread and turf density, in addition to slowing the vertical growth of the grass. This enhances the playability of many surfaces including fairways, greens and tees on golf courses as well as sport fields and other playing surfaces.

    Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator is micro emulsion formulation, ideal for use in sensitive turf plants.

    Features and Benefits

    • no odour / no petroleum solvent
    • easily tank mixed

     For optimum turf quality, use Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator in conjunction with turf management practices that promote good plant health. Use the lower rate for the first application, to condition the turf at the start of the Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator program.

    The recommended use rates are designed to give approximately a 50% reduction in clippings over a 4 to 6 weeks period. In practice the amount of growth regulation achieved will vary between situations due to environmental conditions and management practices. To some extent therefore application rates will need to be adjusted to match growing conditions, management practices and the amount of growth regulation required. Repeat applications can be made as soon as turf resumes growth or more suppression is required. Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator should be applied to actively growing turf, at least 6 hours before or after mowing. Good mowing management leading up to application is required to achieve a good quality turf surface and to obtain the best results.

    Tank Mixing Benefit

    The longevity of fungicides (and certain insecticides) are generally extended when used in conjunction with a growth regulation program of Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator.